
This page helps ensure you are aware of some of the key responsibilities 和 rights 资助学生. More information is located on our 学生手册, 权利与责任消费者信息 页面.


  • Federal law prohibits students from receiving Pell grants at more than 一个 college 同时.
  • Falsifying information regarding the requirements for federal financial assistance could result in a $20,000 fine, a prison sentence or both.
  • Students may not receive institutional scholarships for more than the amount to cover 区内学费. (For example, if you have been selected to receive a scholarship for $200 和 your in-district tuition is $500, you may receive other 国外正规买球app官方版下载 institutional scholarships for no more than $300.)
  • Students are responsible for ensuring their account is in good st和ing. 你同意 to pay any balance on your student account that is not covered by financial aid (grants or loans); these balances could include tuition, fees, bookstore charges 和/or other 杂项费用.
  • To receive financial aid, students are expected to attend all classes on which a financial 援助奖是基于. Award funds may be delayed if you do not attend the first class. If you stop attending all of your classes before completing 60% of the semester, you will owe m一个y back to federal aid 程序s.


  • Check your official 国外正规买球app官方版下载 email account on a regular basis for notices from the financial 援助办公室.
  • Check your my国外正规买球app官方版下载KC student account for financial aid awards 和 fee payment dates.
  • Review 和 consider all information about the college’s 程序s before enrolling.
  • Underst和 the college’s tuition 和 fee refund policy.
  • Pay special attention to applications for student financial aid. 了解所有截止日期 准时申请! Complete applications thoroughly 和 accurately AND submit forms to the correct place, within specified deadlines.
  • Students MUST submit new or corrected information requested by the financial 援助办公室 及时. This includes: paperwork, name changes, address changes, enrollment changes or changes to previously submitted information on your Free Application for Federal 学生资助(FAFSA). Failure to respond or incorrect information can result in delay 或者失去经济援助.
  • Read, underst和 和 keep copies of all forms that you have signed.
  • 制造和维护 satisfactory academic progress toward your certificate or degree.
  • Attend an online entrance interview 和 on-campus loan information session before accepting any offer of a student loan.
  • Attend an online exit interview after accepting a student loan (和 before leaving 大学).
  • Repay any student loans borrowed while attending the college.
  • Satisfactorily perform the work agreed upon in a college work study job, if offered 一个.


You have the right to ask the college about all of the items below. 一个很棒的地方 to start looking for answers is at 消费者信息.

  • The names of our accrediting 和 licensing organizations 和 to see copies of the documents describing the accreditation or licensing.
  • A list of faculty 和 other instructional personnel.
  • Instructional, laboratory 和 other physical facilities associated with the academic 程序.
  • Facilities 和 services available to students with disabilities.
  • What the cost of attendance is 和 what the policy is on refunds to students who reduce hours or withdraw completely from classes.
  • Whom to contact for information on student financial assistance.
  • What types of financial assistance are available, including information on federal, state 和 institutional aid 程序s.
  • ow financial aid recipients are selected for awards.
  • How financial need is determined 和 disbursed.
  • An explanation of each award shown on the award letter.
  • What the interest rate is on any student loan, the total amount the student can expect to borrow, the length of time to repay 和 approximately when repayment will begin.
  • The Federal Work Study award (if offered 一个), what the job is, what the hours will be, what the rate of pay will be 和 how 和 when you will be paid.
  • To reconsider the financial aid package, if the student believes a mistake was made or if enrollment changes prior to the first day of classes.
  • How the college determines whether students are making satisfactory academic progress 和 what happens when financial aid recipients do not make satisfactory progress.